Tales from a Green Post Box, September-November 2016, The LAB, Foley Street, Dublin.
Jane Locke was invited by The LAB to create a new research-led project in response to the events leading up to, during and after the 1916 Rising. Intrigued by the central role the GPO has played in the historiography of the rising, much of the research has centred on the extraordinary reach and influence of the postal system at the time. So influential, that only thirty seven days after the formation of the provisional government in 1922, one of the first political acts was to issue an order to paint the nation’s post boxes emerald green.
Over the course of the research Locke has discovered tantalising glimpses of forgotten technologies that appear to have perished with the destruction of the GPO in 1916, but perhaps provide an insight into why, after standing on street corners for over 100 years, our cast iron post boxes have started to disappear from our streets.
Tales from a Green Post Box consists of a large scale chalk drawing on the gallery wall, plants which have spilled out from the drawing and a table at which the viewer may sit and peruse the associated research notebook. A series of entertaining talks will provide illumination on the history of the postal system in Ireland.
Generously supported by Dublin City Council, The LAB Gallery, Foley Street and The Dublin Festival of History.
Tales from a Green Post Box, RHA Futures (Series 3; Episode 1) March-April 2017
A re-presentation of Tales from a Green Post Box (generously supported by The Lab, DCC and The Arts Council) was staged in the main space of the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin as part of RHA Futures in March/April 2017.
The installation included a large site responsive chalk drawing, live birch trees, ferns, a table and chairs, and two copies of the artist’s book associated with the project.